The site owners (this will display the name of the site, such as Contoso Radio owners) Select who will receive access requests for the site: Under Access requests, set the toggle for Allow access requests to On. Site owners can set up the access request feature so that it sends them an email when someone requests access to a site. Only site owners can share files, folders, and the site Site members can share files and folders, but only site owners can share the site Site owners and members can share files, folders, and the site Under Sharing permissions, set the level of access: Under Sharing Settings, click Change sharing settings. To enable or disable sharing by team members with non-members Note: Disabling the option to allow sharing does not hide the Share menu, but it does show an error message when a team member attempts to share. Modern sites without a group (#STS3 TeamSite) Who gets the access request email by default Summary of who gets the email when users request access: Site users have the opportunity to invite other people to collaborate on sites (unless you disable this feature), while site owners have the ultimate authority over who has access to these sites and what level of permissions users are assigned. Together, the Share command and the access request feature simplify the process of managing who has access to a site. For more information and to resolve this issue, see Notifications sent to SharePoint sites connected to Microsoft 365 groups aren’t received. Important: If a site is using mail-enabled security groups, then the site owners may not receive access- request email messages.